Friday, August 10, 2012

About God...

Pre-script: A Christian writer issued a challenge to "progressive theo-bloggers" to write something about God.  While I am not a progressive, (I am a blend of Baptist and Celtic Christianity), I thought the challenge was task worthy, progressive or not.

God, the great Elohim, Yahweh, Yehovah, Emmanuel - the God who is with us.  God is never easy for me to really describe.  Even the writers of the Bible, in both reverence and lack of ability, could only write as much as He showed them in truth He is indescribable.  

I tend to be old fashioned, I do call God "He", though He is a spiritual being, as He calls him self "Father" and tells us to call him "Abba Father" aka "Daddy Father", our own personal father.  I know that might step on some toes, but I cannot think of Him as anything other than "Daddy", and often as some may have noticed, call Him so in my prayers, both on the blog and personally.

To me, it is hard just to talk of God, for He is Triune... 3 in 1... the great Trinity.  As Patrick of Ireland's Breastplate starts, "I arise today to a mighty strength, to the invocation of the Trinity.  Through the belief in the Oneness, through the confession of the Threeness, of the Creator of the Universe."

So to conclude, God is bigger than anyone can image, greater than the sum of the universe, more righteous than then best judge, and more loving than the kindest father. "Might He bless you and your life's journeys! Amen!"

~ Traveller Gal, out!

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