Saturday, September 1, 2012

Who or What is Traveller Gal?

I have been calling this blog and myself "Traveller Gal" for some time, but I have never really done a post as to who or what Traveller Gal is about, and how or why I see myself as a Traveller Gal.  The term "traveller" comes from the travelling Irish tinkers who from old pre-Patrick Celtic times traveled doing tin and other thin metal repairs.  Gal come from me being a female.  But why call myself "Traveller Gal"?  At an early age of 7, I was called as a missionary.  By the age of 16, I knew it was to the Dine' people (Navajo).  At the age of 20, I began calling myself "Traveller Gal", not because I lived out on the road, but because like the Irish/Celtic Christian Missionary of old, I knew I was to not be settled in the same way other friends would be.  A missionary's life is often uncertain, and it take a long time to become "settled" in your new homeland.

Then at 24 nearly 25, Robby became a part of my journey.  As we sat and talked and shared the depths of our hearts, we realized, God had placed the same journey-task before us.  What is a journey-task you might ask?  It is the Celtic Christian way of explaining one's life calling.  It is called a journey, because this life is a journey, just like Christ said "There are two paths", on the way to Heaven, or if not saved Hell.

It is called a task, because ones calling is never easy.  It takes a high level of commitment, determination, and skill to keep going.  Sometimes it might even seem as though you "back trail", in returning to a location you use to be.  But as my Celtic Christian forefathers always put it, "If you have returned to a location, then God has something new there for you to learn, be quiet and listen to His leading."  For this reason, I do not mind the stop in Kentucky because I know God has something good for us, and it is a stop on the journey-task to Dine Bikeyah, the place God has called us both.

Thus as you see, the term Traveller Gal has much less to do with just travelling the open road, though that is fun and always exciting, than it does with this calling, this journey-task set before me.  May God bless all your journeys, and may each of you find your journey-task in life, for God has one for each and every one of us!

Traveller Gal, out!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Traveling is often used in my writings as a metaphor and thus you must read carefully every blog to get what I am speaking of... ~_^
