Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my Light..." As seasons change, and the people we know change, are taken from us, or grow away from us, tis a joy to know Iosa
1 is always with us. And winds of change do keep blowing strongly through my life. Yet that can be a good thing, as it give clarity, focus, and new experiences to the journey of life. I do not as of yet know exactly where this journey will take us for long, but I am so thankful for Iosa's Light as I have gone through my journeys.... not sure where I would be with out it, but not here that is for sure.

High King of Heaven, my treasure Thou art!" It can be strange to think about what use to be important. What is a treasure to me? I only have a few earthly ones: Robby, my doll - Beth - which I have had since I was 10, our two Navajo Rugs, and all our dear friends and family
(most of these people we shall see in heaven, if not all before the end)... But my greatest treasure is Iosa, I would chose Him above it all.
Be Thou my soul's shelter!" A shelter for the soul, a refuge in troubled times, that is what Iosa is! More than that, He is the strong tower in which we wage our war against the spiritual darkness from within. Outside of Him, we fall and are easily slain and devoried by the enemy (Satan), but in Iosa, His Light, and with Him as our Treasure, we can stand strong through it all. I may not know where the journey is going beyond back to Dine Bikeyah, but I know with Iosa, we will journey on!
Traveller Gal, out!
1 (Iosa is Celtic for Jesus for those of you newer to my blog)
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