With the rain from the remains of Hurricane Issac, we have been inside most of the time other than church for the past 3 days. I love the rains, the fresh coolness, the wet dirt between my toes. It always seems like a time of refreshing to me. One joy of these past days, was discovering 2 nice farmer markets, one with free range brown speckled eggs for just $1.50... and an antique store with delightful items, which gets me reflecting on the our journey...

The journey is the destination..." As I sit here tonight
thinking of the journey, from my birth out in western Kansas, to my
adoption and move to eastern Kansas, to the summer trips to Poteau, OK,
to our family vacation to New England, to Mission: Mexico, to the family
trip to Desert Southwest, to Mission: New Orleans, to the Journeys to
Wisconsin, Michigan, Cincinnati, Knoxville, BABR, Chicago, Kentucky,
Wichita, Flagstaff, Thoreau, and so many others, it really is true that
the journey is the destination... "
Thank you, Daddy, for this journey called life! Amen!"
Traveller Gal, out!
I have always enjoyed reading your well written articles.When are you getting a book published? LOL but seriously it maybe a great idea. Love your sister in Christ. Chas