I was 18, just had graduated high school the May before. Mom and I had called Plymouth Plantation, to make an order of items to use in November for Thanksgiving teaching about giving. While on the phone, the lady said, "Turn the TV on a plane just crashed into the World Trade Center." So we did. At that point, they were still wondering where the plane came from or if it had failed to gain altitude. Then we watched as the second plane hit.
It was surreal. The world I had known changed that day in a single moment. I watched till bed that night. I saw the towers fall, we worried that the 4 planes were all that were hijacked. So many dead, so many still ill from it. The market in Wichita, KS never really recovered. So many jobs lost... Innocence lost.
Some say it was fake, a government poly. To that I say, give me a brake. Find something else to find issue with, by argueing these things you harm the memories of those who died. If it did happen, then honor those who died... and show respect... there are better ways then dishonoring their deaths.
So on this 11th anniversary of the 4 planes: two who crashed into the Twin Towers, one into the Pentagon, and one into the field in Pennsylvania; this 11th anniversary of the enter of terrorism into common USA thoughts; this 11th anniversary of the darkest day in USA history, I again light a candle in memory of those who passed, those ill from working at ground zero, all the rescue workers, and our military. May God be with us, protect us, and guide us in the future...
May peace dwell in our hearts and in our nation, and may such dark days never again come to our shores.
~ Traveller Gal, out!

Some say it was fake, a government poly. To that I say, give me a brake. Find something else to find issue with, by argueing these things you harm the memories of those who died. If it did happen, then honor those who died... and show respect... there are better ways then dishonoring their deaths.

May peace dwell in our hearts and in our nation, and may such dark days never again come to our shores.
~ Traveller Gal, out!
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