Saturday, December 29, 2012

Old Year passing, New Year dawning!

 After 10 years of blogging, pouring out my heart and soul, heading to the missions field, coming back for time away from Dine Bikeyah, and seeing a new path for the future... Who know what these  next 10 years of Traveller Gal?
Thank you everyone  for the wonderful past 10 years!  We have been through alot of ups and downs as this journey has gone forward.

10 years ago, I was 20 years old, single, very ill and depressed.  Today I am nearly 30, married, healthy and stressed, but joyful at last.  So many cities, so many dreams for ministry, and journeys to share....  I cannot wait to share this new adventure with all of you in the day, months, and years to come.

A New Pathway

A journey now lays be for us,
A new way of doing things,
A new day dawning,
A new adventure to embrace...

~  Traveller Gal, out!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas was good...

 After a rough Christmastide, Christmas weekend and day were good.  As gifts go, this year was one of the best in years:  beautiful gray sweeter, awesome Starbucks cocoa gift set, a bike rack to take "Gypsy" bike places on "Stormy" car, heavy winter coat, two dressy western flannel shirts (one green & one turquoise), and a nice pair of snow boots (plus many small items too!).  But even more important were the memories made and those shared.  I am here spending time in KY with my beloved Robby, and with the coming winter storms, will be here longer than originally planed.  ^_^

A thought from Christmas' gone by:
THE LADEN TABLE ~ Irish Christmas Eve Tradition

After the evening meal on Christiams Eve, the Kitchen table was again set, and upon it was placed a loaf of bread filled with raisins and caraway seeds, a milk pitcher, and a large lit candle.  The door of the house would be left unlatched so that Mary and Joseph, or any wandering traveller, could partake of the welcome meal.

Such it was in days of old, and now again we will seek to do that again.  As I have begun prepping for whatever path God has for the future, I began looking over alot of notes and remembering stories from my journey, I wonder where is all this going?

Traveller Gal, out!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christmas is coming...

Christmas is coming as it does every year...
Shopping, laughter, fun, games, food, family, friends, and all the normal festiveness   Yet this year it is just not the same.  Yes, Jesus is still Lord. Yes, Robby and I are still strongly married.  Yes, I am home helping  my family for a bit while we get housing in order here.... yet a dark cloud still hangs over the air....
Still I try....
Try to find the joy of this season.
Try to find the ray of hope.
Try to remember Him who was born to die for us all.
Try to remember that I too belong to Him.
Try to remember all the blessings He has given...
Even in this time of trials.

So as this night closes and I prepare to sleep, again with Patrick of Ireland I say, "I recline this eve to a might strength, the invocation of the Trinity, through the belief in the Oneness, through confession of the Threeness of the Creator of the Universe!  Amen!"

Traveller Gal, out!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

St. Nicholas Day

 Today is Saint Nicholas Day, in remembrance of Bishop Nikolaos of Myra (part of Lycia).  Nikolaos was a giver, often giving things to those in need without them knowing from who it came.  He often dropped the gifts into drying stockings, from which the later Santa Claus (a miss understanding of the Dutch version of his name) legends would spring.  Nikolaos was present at the Counsel of Niacia and prior to this had been imprisoned for his faith.  He died at the age of 76, and is one of the best remembered early believers outside of the Apostles, and the later Saint Patrick (400's) and Saint Francis (1200-1300's).  I often celibate by giving out surprise gifts, and buying the end of Christmas presents on this day.

While out hunting for gifts, I swung by the thrift store in need of a brown pair of pants my size.  I found them, but I was also blessed with a darling brown version of the owl shown on the left.  I was so pleased, as I love do decorate with owls, but dont have much funding to do so.  ^_^  May happs Nikolaos had it there.  ~_^  But really, I was blessed and thank God for it.

Traveller Gal, out!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

A Day of Thanks

Thanksgiving, a day set aside to remember all we have to be thankful for.  Basically, a day to count all our blessings and name them one by one, since we seem to struggle to remember the rest of the year.  *la sigh*  It is also a time to gather with friends old and new, and eat wonderful feasts.  This year we were with friends, the Ottens, in Bethoud, CO, with their family.

Blessings we have this thanksgiving:
        * A good working Car: "Stormy"
        * Each other
        * Good friends
        * A vision for the future.
So as this thanksgiving closes, God bless everyone, and lets get ready for Christmastide!

Traveller Gal, out!

Sunday, November 18, 2012


It always surprises me when I am able to recontect with old friends here in Colorado, some whom I have not seen in years.  Some were friends from church, some from ministry, some were family friends and criss-crossed all three.  Sitting and talking with one, it was like even though 3 years had passed since we crossed paths, hardly any time had passed, but then Jeremy was like a cousin, and both our mom's can tell stories on

Another I have known since we were both young, and have not seen in 4 years. He is grown and married now, and he and his wife are such a blessing.

An other, I chat with every few weeks, and miss greatly was once like a sister to me, and I trust we can be good friends again.  ^_^  Tis indeed a blessing to have built in friendships... yet with maturity to go with them.

Traveller Gal, out!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Special Feature: A Royal Wedding

The Following is an excerpt from Marilynn Dawson's Becoming A Bride of Christ: Vol. Six.  My thanks to beloved Marilynn for allowing Traveller Gal Blog to be part of the tour of blogs!

In a Land, Far, Far away. . . But Closer than Any of Us Realize. . . the Following Story Continued. . .

Peasants and farmers came running out of their homes, hoping to catch a glimpse of what all the noise and commotion was about! Heralds from the Great King were seen and heard riding into every hamlet and village across the Realm, and on this particular day, the trumpets were ringing out and small scrolls were being tossed to the doorsteps of every dignitary and official.

One scroll landed on the doorstep of a sheriff in the village Maria was born in. An official who took great pride in his ability to blend in with all members of society, opened the scroll expecting some new decree. But when he opened the scroll and discovered the contents, he scoffed and threw it to the ground.

A passerby picked it up, and soon news was flying across the realm faster than the heralds could ride!

The Great King was announcing the wedding of His Son, the Crown Prince, to Maria, the love of His life and the pleasure of the entire Palace! Every nobleman in the Realm and every Lady were invited to attend the ceremony and the Marriage Supper! Admission to the Great Hall would be the donning of the white robe given to these people by the Crown Prince Himself. Anyone trying to get in without their white robe would be turned back, regardless of their rank in society.

The passerby looked up after reading the scroll, observing that his village sheriff wore grey. But he couldn't contain himself and began word-of-mouth as fast as he could say his own name.
Cliff and Meredith received invitations and wasted no time ensuring their white robes were sparkling and ready to go! The Innkeeper too received an invitation, and was specifically asked to bring the young girl Maria had rescued; a white robe was delivered to the Inn for the young girl.
Capital City was already receiving visitors and trying to find places to put them up as attendees from far reaches of the Realm who had received their invitations first, began arriving weeks ahead of time.
Within the Palace walls, the most cheerful mayhem ensued as all levels of court flew into action to prepare the Great Hall for the biggest celebration the Realm had EVER seen! Massive banners depicting the Crown Prince's attributes hung on the gates, the doorways, and around the edges of the Great Hall itself. Streamers, colourful airtight bags for the kids, and white linen were everywhere! The palace kitchen and bakery worked 'round the clock to prepare enough food for the hundreds of guests who had been invited.
Even the throne itself was undergoing renovations as now there was not to be just two seats there for the Great King and His Son, but a third seat was to be built for the Princess! She would sit at her Husband's right hand, as He sat at His Father's right hand. The workmen were so giddy with excitement that they had to pause periodically to calm themselves down so they wouldn't make a mistake.
The Great King Himself was flitting from one flurry of activity to another, overseeing details and pitching in where allowed. Finally He resorted to the Palace garden to put a bouquet together for the head table. Passing by Maria's home, what was soon to become the home of His son and Maria together, the Great King could hear laughter as the servants helped Maria get ready for the big event! He paused and smiled; a tear prematurely slipping down his cheek. This was the happiest day of His life!
Finally the moment came. . . The Great King took His place on the Throne as noblemen and Ladies began filing into the Great Hall. All would be seated before the pomp and ceremony began this time! Musicians could be heard warming up outside, and dancers did their calisthenics preparing for their entrance in the parade. Suddenly the loudest trumpet blast anyone had ever heard sounded over the Great Hall! The musicians struck up, and the parade began!
The musicians entered first, making their way in elaborate formation to the four corners of the room. Singers were next, singing the song of the Great King and of His Son, having written a new verse for the Bride which would be sung later. They too, in fancy manoeuvres, worked their way to their respective areas of the room. The dancers followed, waving flags and ribbons, playing tambourines and castanets as they almost floated over the floor. The honour guard in full regalia marched in, adding their drum beat to the time of the music the other musicians were playing, punctuating with their cornets in key places of the song. They formed a human corridor along either side of a bright red carpet leading from the far end all the way to the steps of the Throne. The servants followed the honour guard and took their places at numerous food stands and drink bars throughout the hall.
The assembled guests were awestruck by the pomp and ceremony and the wedding party hadn't even arrived yet!
At once, the room grew still! The Crown Prince entered alone, and walked the red carpet to the foot of the steps leading to His Father's Throne. Turning around to face the door from which He came, a flutist walked in, accompanied by the young girl Maria had rescued, carrying a basket of rose petals. She scattered them on the ground as she followed the flutist through the honour guard to the front. The Crown Prince placed them in front of him on either side.

Two more dancers entered, one of them the maid Maria had developed a friendship with. Maria followed them in the most ornate gown anyone ever laid eyes on! Gasps could be heard as everyone stood for the entrance of the Bride. A slip of paper on all the tables told her story, how she had been rescued, chosen, cared for, and prepared for this day. All eyes could hardly believe the beauty they saw before them as she made her way down the aisle. When she reached the honour guard, the musicians struck up again and the guard raised their swords high above her head as she passed through.
The Great King Himself officiated the wedding, wiping tears from his joy-filled eyes every so often. It was with great flourish when after the rings were exchanged, He turned to the crowd and announced the couple man and wife. The whistles and cheers and shouting could be heard for miles beyond the reaches of Capital City!
It was time to celebrate! The servants flew into action again, rushing plates of the most expensive food to every table setting, pouring the most expensive wine of the Realm into every cup, and ensuring the head table had the best of everything!
Maria couldn't help the tears flowing as she hugged the young girl she'd rescued. Cliff and Meredith could be seen congratulating the Crown Prince and the Great King was no longer on His Throne, but mingling with the guests, asking if they had everything and could he get them something. Truly He lived beyond the rumours of His kindness and His goodness. He was as He'd told Maria, a servant, and that to be great in His kingdom, was to be the greatest servant of all.

Trust you enjoyed our special feature!  And check out this link for a free download!

Traveller Gal, out!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Big owls, small owls, barn owls, snow owls, real owls, toy owls, owls on shirts and owls on mugs, I love owls!  LOL!  I have loved owls since I was but a wee child.  My great-grandma Lillie Brauser loved them too.  She made my grandma, Blossom, two hooked rugs which hung on the wall at gradma's house when I was a child.  Grandma also had an owl lamp and a bronze owl, both of which became mine before Grandma moved into her cottage.  ^_^  Of late, I have been gathering owl stuff again, as I resently redescovered my love of all things owls.

Traveller Gal, out!

Friday, November 2, 2012

A Brighter Future...

A brighter future, of this I dream of...

Things have not been easy for over 10 years, but things are beginning to look up.  Easier?  Not really, but how to work within it to make it a joy is coming.  Life is never easy.  Those who say it is are either rich or lazy, either that or very, very, very optimistic, LOL!  How might you ask are things looking up?  For one, Robby and I have a plan of action for the future.  Not a guessing game, but a plan of action... A plan that brings to life hopes and dreams long forgotten, lain to rest, or given up. (I thinks?)

What will things look like in 10 years?  I hope for one for at least two children: Sylvania Morria (Named after my favorite Irish name, and Rob's grandmother, Sylvania Ritchie: 1916-2008) and Izaak Samuel (named after Isaac Moler: 1809-1860, CPL Zeke Abbott -6th ALA CAV - CSA: 1834-1895,  and Rev. Samuel Bellamy, Circuit Rider : 1784-1854  all from from my birth family)

Traveller Gal, out!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Battle of Camp Wildcat

150 years ago today, there was a Battle here at Wildcat Mountain  and the Confederates were camped here at Camp Wildcat.   This ground on which which we are standing, and especially the tree covered mountain and wilderness road behind us are hallowed grounds.  Men fought and died here.  Men died in the military hospital at this very campsite.  Today, reenactors are gathered to represent a portion of the battle and remember those who have gone before us, and died to make and keep this land free.  Who died for the ideals they believed in.  And who gave us that strong back bone, that right now is all the keeps us afloat.

Robby and I spent most of Saturday and Sunday at the "Battle of Camp Wildcat" Civil War Reenactment.  It was so much a feeling of home to me.  LOL, yes, I use to reenact at Cowtown all the time as a teen, and prior to that would dress the part every museum and living history site I went to.  For Robby, it was finding a place where he could do his work and have some fun at the same time.  Something different every year to look forward to.
It was a surprise though to me that he would get so into it.

So, we are setting about getting our personas together for the reenactments, as Robby prepares for shoeing school as well.  What a life these homesteader/traveller/missionaries shall be living.  And 90% of all this has been Robby's idea.  Tis so fun, but hard work as well.  Saving, Saving, Saving, for this life we plan on living.  We did spend a wee bit on an old "tin type" picture, which is actually not tin but silver.  Only type of photo that comes with a life time promise   They just don't make things the way they use to.

If I were to say anything to you, my readers, my fellow traveller friends, and those who read around the world, see if there is any sort of historical reenactment in your area, whether you take part or just watch, tis an experience of a lifetime for all who go.  ^_^  And have fun!!!

Traveller Gal, out!

Monday, October 15, 2012

The southwest in my blood...

My mom, aka my birth mom, was born in Colorado.  I was born in Western Kansas.  The western soul and the winds of the west flow in my very being.  After living a wee over 2 years in Dine Bikeyah, I can honestly say, you can take the woman out of the Southwest, but you cant take the Southwest out of the woman.  Homesickness for the West aches in my heart.  The slower, rancher pass of life, "Rez Time" if you would, beckons me.   Soon my heart,  you will at least have a visit.

Traveller Gal, out!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What is this adventure before me?

 As Traveller Gal, I have gone through so many changes and grown so much in these past nearly 10 years.  I have survived great sorrow, I found true love, I have journeyed to Dine Bikeyah and long to return, I have learned about my place on the journey-task.  Yet Iosa still has many surprises on the trail.   I had longed to travel, and now I have more than I could ask.  Yet my heart longs for a time when Traveller Gal can rest and share hospitality to others weary along the road.

For now, I have found great joy as a caregiver.  4 nights a week I journey in my new to me car, a Dodge 2002 Neon named "Stormy", to a home, fix dinner, clean house, and make sure the ladies I work for are cared for.  It is reverse hospitality, for it is their home, but I am caregiving for them.  ^_^  I love the work, but the 4 nights a week sleeping on their sofa with my sheet, gypsy blanket, and two pillows is wearing on the soul.  But then again, I get a 3 day weekend every week.  Hee,hee!

Robby is looking into a school for shoeing horses starting new classes this spring.  If he does  get in, we will be 1 year and 36 weeks longer returning to the Rez, but we would be returning better prepared that is for sure.  One of my co-workers is encouraging me to looking to training as an RN.  That part I am still praying about.  So many twists on the road.... but Iosa is in control.

Traveller Gal, out!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Such a life...

When one is a Traveller Gal, life is always an adventure.  Even if you are staying in the same state, you never know where you will be from one day to the next.   Tis a trip to not know what bed or sofa you will sleep on from night to night.  True, I have my bed at home to sleep in, but work takes me from house to house to care for others, and if they sleep I may as well.  ^_^   More soon to come including on my new wheels,
"Stormy", the 2002 Dodge Neon.

Traveller Gal, out!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Fall is here...

 Fall is here at last with all her charms, the leaves have begun their annul march from green to vivid then gone, the little gray squiralls are busy hidding away walnuts, much to my dismay as I would like some too, and the toads and frog are slowing down. The turkeys are again out strutting there stuff, tempting us to catch them... thanksgiving dinner early anyone? LOL!  It feels so good to walk in the crisp cool breezes and hear the birds chirping away.

This has to be my second favorite time of the year, next to winter, of all time.  I love the ciders, the leaves, the animals, and the start of fires in the fire place.  This is when one can start buying things for the long winter a head, and start planning for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Traveller Gal, out!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Seasons of Change...

"Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my Light..."  As seasons change, and the people we know change, are taken from us, or grow away from us, tis a joy to know Iosa1 is always with us.  And winds of change do keep blowing strongly through my life.  Yet that can be a good thing, as it give clarity, focus, and new experiences to the journey of life. I do not as of yet know exactly where this journey will take us for long, but I am so thankful for Iosa's Light as I have gone through my journeys.... not sure where I would be with out it, but not here that is for sure.

"High King of Heaven, my treasure Thou art!"  It can be strange to think about what use to be important.  What is a treasure to me?  I only have a few earthly ones:  Robby, my doll - Beth - which I have had since I was 10, our two Navajo Rugs, and all our dear friends and family (most of these people we shall see in heaven, if not all before the end)...  But my greatest treasure is Iosa, I would chose Him above it all.

"Be Thou my soul's shelter!"  A shelter for the soul, a refuge in troubled times, that is what Iosa is!  More than that, He is the strong tower in which we wage our war against the spiritual darkness from within.  Outside of Him, we fall and are easily slain and devoried by the enemy (Satan), but in Iosa, His Light, and with Him as our Treasure, we can stand strong through it all.  I may not know where the journey is going beyond back to Dine Bikeyah, but I know with Iosa, we will journey on!

Traveller Gal, out!

1 (Iosa is Celtic for Jesus for those of you newer to my blog)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Living our Faith...

 When we talk about living our faith, and being Jesus hands and feet, what do we really think about? Do we see a poor widow?  Do we see the fatherless kids down the street?  Do we remember the thousands without clean water?  Do we think of the many without a meal, espcially the 1 in 5 children who will not eat today?  Do we remember the orphans, the homeless, the strangers, and the outcasts?  Do we think of those ill?  Do we think of those alone?  Do we care?    Do we picture feeding 5,000?

 When Robby and I returned to Kentucky, we also returned to our anchor church here, Immanuel Baptist Church of Corbin, because of their heart to reach the world.  Little did we know we would be returning during the Love Loud outreach, which is not just hosted by IBC but many other churches from the area.  One of the goals is to feed 5,000.  How?  That is the awesome part...

Have you ever gone to church Sunday and had a reverse offer?  What is that?  Were the church passed the offering plate and TOLD you to take $1 dollar out for yourself.  Then we learned about the parable of the talents   Then we all, along with many other churches descended upon walmart (only food place that could handle all of us), and each spend that money, and many of us beyond that, to buy food for others.  Result?  One large truck, plus 7 small pick-ups full of food...  how many feed still pending...  That to me is living our faith... in a BIG way.

Traveller Gal, out!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9-11-01: I will never forget...

I was 18, just had graduated high school the May before.  Mom and I had called Plymouth Plantation, to make an order of items to use in November for Thanksgiving teaching about giving. While on the phone, the lady said, "Turn the TV on a plane just crashed into the World Trade Center."  So we did.  At that point,  they were still wondering where the plane came from or if it had failed to gain altitude.  Then we watched as the second plane hit.

It was surreal.  The world I had known changed that day in a single moment.  I watched till bed that night.  I saw the towers fall, we worried that the 4 planes were all that were hijacked. So many dead, so many still ill from it.  The market in Wichita, KS never really recovered.  So many jobs lost...  Innocence lost.

Some say it was fake, a government poly.  To that I say, give me a brake.  Find something else to find issue with, by argueing these things you harm the memories of those who died.  If it did happen, then honor those who died... and show respect...  there are better ways then dishonoring their deaths.

So on this 11th anniversary of the 4 planes: two who crashed into the Twin Towers, one into the Pentagon, and one into the field in Pennsylvania; this 11th anniversary of the enter of terrorism into common USA thoughts; this 11th anniversary of the darkest day in USA history, I again light a candle in memory of those who passed, those ill from working at ground zero, all the rescue workers, and our military.  May God be with us, protect us, and guide us in the future...
May peace dwell in our hearts and in our nation, and may such dark days never again come to our shores.

Traveller Gal, out!

Sunday, September 9, 2012


As I sit here, with cool weather coming upon us, reflecting on these past 9 years since I started blogging back in February, 2003, I am struck by the journeys I have been on.  I have been looking at a few of the keepsakes that are here with me: the glass bottle with dirt from Dine Bikeyah, the doll called "Gypsy" that Robby got me as a gift, the cedarwood flute I am learning to play, and the few photos about the room with friends and places from the journey.   These past 9 years have brought many people into my life: Skot and Rachel, Lia McCoo, Ceicly, Aaron, Dino, Randi, Ernestine, and so many, many more than I can list (or spell all the names of... ~_^)  And of course, it brought me Robby, too!

One of the biggest surprises and blessings has been my little sister, Chissy, and her son (my nephew), Ethan, entering my life.  Chrissy was a surprise to me on so many levels.  First that she was in my life, after not being for 24 years.  Now, I am shocked that we have become best of friends, the "forever friends" that sisters should be.  Tis not a bad shock, but a joy I never dared dream would be mine.  What a blessing it is to have Chrissy and Travis back in my life again!

So many things have changed over the past 9 years, but these three remain the same: my love for Celtic Christianity, my desire to journey and travel for God, and the calling (now clear) to Dine Bikeyah.

"May Iosa's peace rest with you all, and may you each find your journey-tasks!  Blessings! Amen."

Traveller Gal, out!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Cool Weather Begins...

Fall is starting to creep into our weather here.  It gets me thinking of cutting wood, but here in Kentucky we dont need to for the winter.  Wish we did...  I miss our wood burning fire place. In New Mexico I knew my place, what was expected of me...  Here I am at a loss, I am not the woman of the house... I am just the young woman living here.  Tis a strange feeling...

With work starting next week, our dreams are starting to seem in reach, but it will not be easy.  It will not happen in a day, a week, possibly in a year, but it is coming... As fall settles in and winter is just around the bend, that is the joy we hold on to... the hope of our calling which the Lord has given us...  that will keep us going through this time far from our beloved Dine' Bikeyah.

Traveller Gal, out!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Leper - Beautiful Gray Day - Review

Beautiful Gray Day, Leper's album, is by far the best thus far, and I have thoroughly enjoyed the previous 2 Cd's, Kreischen and And Everybody Died, also released by Grrr Records.  Skot Shaw's Boiwesque voice lends itself well to Lepers dark, haunting and captivating style, mixed with the sounds of the 12 stringed guitar, electric guitar, keyboards, distorted drums and additional vocals.  Otto Jensen, who has been touring with Leper 2009-2011 while playing bass, and Cecily Marx, a violinist and vocalist,  add much to the total package.  Each song from its beginning to its end adds to the total package.

The first song Ascolta (Harken), set the mood for the CD beautifully with its dark melodic tones. Cora Vuole Dire Morire (What Does It Mean to Die), is at once creepy, playful and deep.  Perseguita (Haunt) is a haunting reflection on love and death.  In my opinion, it should join the ranks of great Gothic love songs. If I had to choose a favorite from this album, this song would be it.
La Pioggia Triste, Triste (The Sad, Sad Rain) opens very creepy, with a very good beat, with words that linger in your thought for some after listen.  I could not resist dancing to this song.  Fai Come Vuoi (Do As Thou Wilt) is a good reflection on what happens when we are not submitted to God, and takes it from a different angle than normal. Brings to mind "it is like a man who looks in a mirror, then turning away forgets what he looks like". Odio Tutto (I Hate Everything), is a song many of us can identify with, and the name for this CD appears to have roots in this song.  Lacrime Nere (Jet Black Tears),  resonates deeply and found me singing along.

 Non Ho Piu Paura Di Dormire (I Am Not Afraid To Sleep Anymore), is a deeply moving song.  I love how it repeats, "I will pray.", over and over.  It is an compelling song that genuinely moves me to my core.  L'artista
Dentro Di Te (The Artist In You)
is a haunting song about our need for attention, and what price we can pay.  Spezza, Spezza, Spezza (Chop, Chop, Chop) has always been a favorite and has been played at Leper concerts for some time.  Tis very nice to have it on Cd so one can dance with it when ever they wish.  Se Solo Io (If Only) is a gloriously eerie song where the the guitars shine.  Il Modo Che Tutto Si Svela (The Way It All Unfolds), is the most powerful of all the songs on this cd.  Leper saved the best song for the end of the cd.  It is  a short, sweet, powerful call to hositality and caring for the outcasts and rejected ones.  It perfectly rounds out the CD, and leaves one wishing for more.

In all this 7th album, Leper's 3rd with Grr Records, is a must have for any lover of Christian Rock, especially those who love the older more haunting Gothic style of music.  It get my mark of 5 out of 5 Horse Shoes (my equivalent to 5 stars), UUUUU.  I would also say if you like 12 string guitars or haunting, Old World style, folk ballads, give this Leper CD,  Beautiful Gray Day, due to release September 11th, 2012 a try, you just might be surprised.

Traveller Gal, out! 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Late Summer Rains...

With the rain from the remains of Hurricane Issac, we have been inside most of the time other than church for the past 3 days.  I love the rains, the fresh coolness, the wet dirt between my toes.  It always seems like a time of refreshing to me.  One joy of these past days, was discovering 2 nice farmer markets, one with free range brown speckled eggs for just $1.50... and an antique store with delightful items, which gets me reflecting on the our journey...

"The journey is the destination..." As I sit here tonight thinking of the journey, from my birth out in western Kansas, to my adoption and move to eastern Kansas, to the summer trips to Poteau, OK, to our family vacation to New England, to Mission: Mexico, to the family trip to Desert Southwest, to Mission: New Orleans, to the Journeys to Wisconsin, Michigan, Cincinnati, Knoxville, BABR, Chicago, Kentucky, Wichita, Flagstaff, Thoreau, and so many others, it really is true that the journey is the destination... "Thank you, Daddy, for this journey called life!  Amen!"

Traveller Gal, out!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Who or What is Traveller Gal?

I have been calling this blog and myself "Traveller Gal" for some time, but I have never really done a post as to who or what Traveller Gal is about, and how or why I see myself as a Traveller Gal.  The term "traveller" comes from the travelling Irish tinkers who from old pre-Patrick Celtic times traveled doing tin and other thin metal repairs.  Gal come from me being a female.  But why call myself "Traveller Gal"?  At an early age of 7, I was called as a missionary.  By the age of 16, I knew it was to the Dine' people (Navajo).  At the age of 20, I began calling myself "Traveller Gal", not because I lived out on the road, but because like the Irish/Celtic Christian Missionary of old, I knew I was to not be settled in the same way other friends would be.  A missionary's life is often uncertain, and it take a long time to become "settled" in your new homeland.

Then at 24 nearly 25, Robby became a part of my journey.  As we sat and talked and shared the depths of our hearts, we realized, God had placed the same journey-task before us.  What is a journey-task you might ask?  It is the Celtic Christian way of explaining one's life calling.  It is called a journey, because this life is a journey, just like Christ said "There are two paths", on the way to Heaven, or if not saved Hell.

It is called a task, because ones calling is never easy.  It takes a high level of commitment, determination, and skill to keep going.  Sometimes it might even seem as though you "back trail", in returning to a location you use to be.  But as my Celtic Christian forefathers always put it, "If you have returned to a location, then God has something new there for you to learn, be quiet and listen to His leading."  For this reason, I do not mind the stop in Kentucky because I know God has something good for us, and it is a stop on the journey-task to Dine Bikeyah, the place God has called us both.

Thus as you see, the term Traveller Gal has much less to do with just travelling the open road, though that is fun and always exciting, than it does with this calling, this journey-task set before me.  May God bless all your journeys, and may each of you find your journey-task in life, for God has one for each and every one of us!

Traveller Gal, out!