I am feeling very stuck.... because my life is such a dead end...no job, no car, no freedom of the open road.... at least I still have my bike "Meg".
Peace within, peace without....where has the peace flown to?
The journey's long, the journey's long....I can't make it without You.
Tears of joy, tears of pain....tis time to walk the way.
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Thursday, December 22, 2005
A cane?
Ok...the good news is this....my speech is back to normal. LOL.
Praise God for that. The bad news....I am still having to use my nice
cane to walk with do to pain and stiffness....but the fun thing
is....most people just write it off as part of the whole subculture thing....and don't think about me being ill. Only a few people
know enough to worry when they see it. ^_^ Yes, I like it that
way....better than answering 100's of questions that the doctors wont
even give ME then answers too.
~ Traveller Gal, out!
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Monday, December 19, 2005
Illness Hits Again...
Hey, I had a "spell" with my immune disregulation last night....and now today my speech is bad....like I can think of what to say....just getting it out is slow and labored.....I hate this affecting my muscles and joints.

~ Traveller Gal, out!
Monday, December 5, 2005
Visiting the college was AWESOME!! I am more excited than ever about
going to it starting Jan. 8th. *dances around like a gypsy*
~ Traveller Gal, out!
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Saturday, December 3, 2005
College... ISOM
I am going to be visiting the college this sunday, if it does not
snow us (mom, dad, and me) out. We'll be turning in John and my
~ Traveller Gal, out!
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Thursday, November 24, 2005
A lot has changed....and yet much is the same. If all goes as
planned I will be going to the Newton Bible School starting in
January. For this I am excited.
God and I are growing closer....and I praise Him for that. I am more at peace than in a LONG, long time. ^_^
I still long for the open road, but I am learning to be continent while I wait. What journeys does He have in store for me?
~ Traveller Gal, out!
God and I are growing closer....and I praise Him for that. I am more at peace than in a LONG, long time. ^_^
I still long for the open road, but I am learning to be continent while I wait. What journeys does He have in store for me?
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Of Tribes and Cultures...
The definitions of Tribe, Culture, and Subculture are as follow:
Subculture: an identifiably separate social group within a larger culture, especially one regarded as existing outside mainstream society.
Culture: A. art, music, literature, and related intellectual activities, B. the beliefs, customs, practices, and social behavior of a particular people, C. a group of people whose shared beliefs or practices identify the particular place, class, or time to which they belong.
Tribe: A. a society or division of a society whose members have ancestry, customs, beliefs, or leadership in common, B. a large family (unofficial) , C. a group of people who have things in common such as an occupation, religion, social background, or political viewpoint.
With all that, I see they are much the same... yet uniquely different. I wish I could travel more, and maybe even live among the Dine in my beloved Dine Bikeyah... if only my heath would a low it...
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Saturday, October 8, 2005
Rayne Stranded...
But Dad was not to let her and her find leave that fast. He had brought nice hot food for them, and the dog. Rayne gave us both a giant hug. "It's been along time since we have been treated this good. Thank you!" I was given a hand made bracelet. I plan to wear it till it wears out. ^_^
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Grandmother's Passing
*sobs hard* My grandma went home to be with the Lord today. She was the last of my grandparents. Now all the elders are gone. I miss her so much. I went into my room and rubbed her lotion on my arms, for her skin always smelled of it. It smelled like her hugs.
Alas, I wanted to be on the road again, but not for her funeral... Fare thee well, Grandma Fitzpatrick. Rest in peace my beloved "White Rose"...
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Monday, July 4, 2005
The Road Ahead
Easy road? What be it....
Ne'er is my road easy....
Trails and sorrows
Joys and friends.....
Ne'er has been this road easy.
Narrow road! It be mine!
Full of rocks, of sword
Of pain
Yet in the end
A crown be mine
In it's Zion land.

~ Traveller Gal, out!
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Didean Ranchero

Our plans our progressing well, though slowly. I found good info at the library, plus some in my own shelf. "Back to the Basic's" and "Homesteading" by readers digest are great books, and very helpful. We are unsure if to make it a mini village or just indivdual ranchs, but what ever we do... it will be an adventure. May haps this is the birth of something a Traveller Gal could settle at!
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Thursday, June 9, 2005
No longer a Photographer, again!
I am jobless as of June 3rd.....I was "Let Go...." I don"t get it....I was pouring myself into that job....what happened? On top of that, I have been ill with a virus since last Saturday and am still recovering....it zapped my strength right out of me. Of course, I am low....but what is new in that? I am just a depressed person
90% of the time....I have excepted that....and am trying to focus more
on God.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Joy in the Rain

My job is going well. May haps funding for a journey soon?
I got to dance in the rain...with my bare feet in the gutter water....it was a blast...and it was only 66 out when I was doing it.....Gotta love a water proof coat!!!
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Blessed Morn
The stone, the stone, tis rolled way,
The blessed Lord is alive, alive,
Nor more in darkness to mourn.
On this blessed Easter Morn.
Blessings to you all this Easter, may your day be joyful as we celebrate all Iosa (Jesus Christ) did for us...
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Friday, March 25, 2005
"Good" Friday
Black sky, black sky, the Son to die. Crimson tide from the tattered Soul. Shadow cross, shadow cross, O, such a loss. Dark shroud for such a bitter end. Ahh, such a day....though I wish people would call it Black Friday not Good Friday. ~ Traveller Gal, out! |
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Saint Patrick's Day
'Tis my
favorite holiday!!! St. Patrick's Day. Out of the three I like best, I
call this one my favorite because it is the one not as many like.... and I am Irish. One year ago today I moved away from Michigan for good....which is tainting this year. I swore I would be back for good by now....But God had other plans for me. I still don't why I am not on the open road, but that time will come. ~ Traveller Gal, out! |
Tuesday, March 8, 2005
How do I explain this...deep mournfulness inside... how do I explain...even though I lead an awesome travellers life (though I haven't been on the road much of late)....that I feel no better than a slug...so worthless and beaten down?
One year ago I lost a home. Now, dad's work got bought by a new company and by July I wont have insurance. Time to plan on moving out. Tis time to get back n the road again... A gypsy life for me!
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Tuesday, March 1, 2005
Ahhhhhh.... the joy of spring... today is the beginnging of March... on of my favorite months....because it is St. Patrick's Month!!! Iosa Criosta an Ri! This year it is also the month of Easter.
Misty shores and foggy morns,
Silver lakes and still skys,
Emarald hills and heather moors,
Tis the beloved Ireland.
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Monday, February 28, 2005
The Past...
Silence....Silence it fills the night time air. Chilling a soul to the bones. No honking horns. No owls crys. Not even the flutter of a bat. Screams....Screams they pierce the darkness. Cutting one to the soul. Pain in the agony. Pain in the ravaging. Brokenness in the wailing. Abandoned....Abandoned as the soul and body bleed. No hands to heal. No words to sooth. Not even a whisper of hope. This is how my body and my soul felt for a while there....broken, ravaged, and bleeding.... I was screaming in the silence of the night...and none would come to my aid...who were willing to tend the bleeding. At times...it still feels this way...but now I have those who aid me...and I do them. ~ Traveller Gal, out! |
Sunday, February 20, 2005
A Battle Cry...
Sharpen your skill with your Swords, which be the Holy Words of our God. Sharpen your skill with the incense of Prayer...with the sweet fragrance of Worship before Our Lord... For these are the days of Battle. These are the days we are called to. This is our hour upon this earth...this is our moment in history...Take up your shields of Faith and hold your ground!

Let us not grow weary in this fight....this is our hour, and this is our day. Be strong in the Lord. For if God is for us...WHO can be against US!!!!
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Friday, February 4, 2005
In good news....I am still in the running for the job in photography...the lady who manages the studio has a set # she has to interviwe. So...yeah. I was either the first...or one of the very first. Keep on praying.
My mom is panicing....worried that I am getting rid of WAY to
much.... umm...why I am going to listen....when the whole house is over
stuffed with her stuff...and she has 300 outfits just hanging in the
laundery room? LOL. I am not my mother. This house is driving me
boncers....LOL. She swares it is her too...yet we go shopping for more
stuff...3-4 times a week...it does not compute.
I am getting alot done...Have one of the two cheast of draws in my room cleared out....and at dad's sugjestion...am keeping stacks of stuff I am sorting in it....until I have time to work on them...creates less floor mess.
The other cheast, I have my clothing neat orginized within...other than
the dress clothing....they hang in the closet. ^_^ I have even
weeded out the books I just never read past the first time. That gave
me more room.

I am getting alot done...Have one of the two cheast of draws in my room cleared out....and at dad's sugjestion...am keeping stacks of stuff I am sorting in it....until I have time to work on them...creates less floor mess.

Tuesday, February 1, 2005
Simple Life...
Ok... as I have brought up many many a times... I am called to live a
very simple life. Any one who has known me well knows...CALLED
yes...practicing...UMMM...LOL...not by a long shot.
This week all that has changed. I actually said... "You know what? I am sick of this...I have felt this call for 7 years...played around with it...tried to...stopped...started...stopped...and have more now than when I first set out to do this. I HAVE HAD IT!!!! All this junk is just driving me crazy...fighting with it...keeps me from having time to draw, talk with friends, and alot of other GREAT stuff...because of it my room is never as clean as it needs to be...this is it... I am tackleing this monster...and I am kicking out most everything that I dont honestly need." And I am and have so far done just that.
Oh, and btw...it is just not clothing...but everything...yes even books....I am hitting on this time. LOTR and Narnia...umm...those are keepers...my Irish books? Umm...depends on if they hold the same info...but I think I have weeded them down already so I dont have duplicates anyway...LOL.
Yeah...NOW the key is...Just keeping Mom from buying me more junk I dont really need.
~ Traveller Gal, out!
This week all that has changed. I actually said... "You know what? I am sick of this...I have felt this call for 7 years...played around with it...tried to...stopped...started...stopped...and have more now than when I first set out to do this. I HAVE HAD IT!!!! All this junk is just driving me crazy...fighting with it...keeps me from having time to draw, talk with friends, and alot of other GREAT stuff...because of it my room is never as clean as it needs to be...this is it... I am tackleing this monster...and I am kicking out most everything that I dont honestly need." And I am and have so far done just that.
Oh, and btw...it is just not clothing...but everything...yes even books....I am hitting on this time. LOTR and Narnia...umm...those are keepers...my Irish books? Umm...depends on if they hold the same info...but I think I have weeded them down already so I dont have duplicates anyway...LOL.
Yeah...NOW the key is...Just keeping Mom from buying me more junk I dont really need.
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Monday, January 31, 2005
Callings and dreams...
Hey all...I am taking in my comp for basic repares, and with the snow and all...I wont be bikeing to the library this week.
Going to use this time for really intince studying the Word. I trust to have great stuff to post when I come back.... ^_^ . See you then!
Oh, a few days back I said I needed new dreams, but what I really mean is I need a new approach to the dreams. A new way of heading into it...I still want to do outreach to at-risk youth/young adults...I still want to do bardic ministry... I still want to help reach the Irish and the Navajo...but I need to find out how GOD is asking me to do it...I know this week will be good for that. In some ways I think He is backing me up so that I can work my callings around who ever I am to marry's callings.
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Going to use this time for really intince studying the Word. I trust to have great stuff to post when I come back.... ^_^ . See you then!
Oh, a few days back I said I needed new dreams, but what I really mean is I need a new approach to the dreams. A new way of heading into it...I still want to do outreach to at-risk youth/young adults...I still want to do bardic ministry... I still want to help reach the Irish and the Navajo...but I need to find out how GOD is asking me to do it...I know this week will be good for that. In some ways I think He is backing me up so that I can work my callings around who ever I am to marry's callings.
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Needing new dreams...
I am sorry first of all...to all of you...this will be a
depressing post. IF you are low right now...just read another day. I
dont want to make anyone more depressed...but this is stuff I have to get out.
As I have already stated, love and I are not close friends. Yet before anyone gets the wrong ideas...I am still a helpless romantic...the princess who longs to have her prince come ridding in and rescue her...and tend to her ailing health. For a time I have known that. That time has parted...may haps I will see it again.
Secondly, my health has waned...tis not as bad as this summer, true. But winter is normally my best time. When I have stronger energy and can come closer to tackling the world. I had that...for a month and a half after the weather cooled, but now tis back to maybe one good day a week. At least my back is not "killing" me with pain...I am just well...sore all over...for no good reason.
Thirdly, as many of you know...my dream in life was to start up safe
houses and clubs for the youth and to live in one of the
safe houses. Realitly has set in. My health will never permit me to
live in a safe house or run a club. Oversee the ministry that
sponsores those who do? Yes, run them myself no. I just dont have the
energy for that. And that hurts, for 3 years I have longed for
this...and to realize that is like a knife to the heart.
Fourthly, I am 1000 miles away from most of my friend, and those I am close to, I still hardly get to see.
Fifthly, I am jobless, and not for lack of trying. I have been for 10 months, and still no luck. It does not help any that I can only work part time, when I do get a job...due to my health.
Yeah...I am fighting with depression. And I need some new dreams....blast it all. LOL.
~ Traveller Gal, out!
As I have already stated, love and I are not close friends. Yet before anyone gets the wrong ideas...I am still a helpless romantic...the princess who longs to have her prince come ridding in and rescue her...and tend to her ailing health. For a time I have known that. That time has parted...may haps I will see it again.
Secondly, my health has waned...tis not as bad as this summer, true. But winter is normally my best time. When I have stronger energy and can come closer to tackling the world. I had that...for a month and a half after the weather cooled, but now tis back to maybe one good day a week. At least my back is not "killing" me with pain...I am just well...sore all over...for no good reason.

Fourthly, I am 1000 miles away from most of my friend, and those I am close to, I still hardly get to see.
Fifthly, I am jobless, and not for lack of trying. I have been for 10 months, and still no luck. It does not help any that I can only work part time, when I do get a job...due to my health.
Yeah...I am fighting with depression. And I need some new dreams....blast it all. LOL.
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Thursday, January 20, 2005
I want to make something clear...
Despite what it may seem...Faith and Trust are points I strugle
with...Simple life and abandoning the things of this world....have been
weak points for me. Does this mean I give up? NO!!!!
First of
all, I know Christ is all I have to hold on to. Iosa Criosta i mi
Secondly, without Him...I have nothing left to HOPE for. All
my hopes are resting in Him. My life is hard and full of sorrow, but
His Promises and His Word....is the Hope that pulls me through.
Thirdly, what do I have to lose? LOL. He gave me life. He can take
it away. He can bless the deeds of my hands. Tis better to serve
~ Traveller Gal, out!
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
22 Years...

*dances around happy*
Pizza, Return of the King, calling friends, and just general relaxing for a day...

Presents anyone?
Plans for my 22nd year....get my drivers license before April when I have to renew my permit, get a good job, pay off my parents, get a car... start saving up to move
out on my own
as well.... finish getting my clothing an' possession down to a "simple" moveable level...while retaining my celtic/medieval style
spiritual this years focuses are learning more about prayer and trust in God
For fun...it is paint the pink walls of my room GRAY! LOL!!! If I have to be stuck here might as well enjoy it...
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Sliver Light
Acrossed the moon lit plain a figer stands alone. The wind sings to her it haunting songs, as the stars shimmer through her tears. Silver light to calm her fears, Whisper of the dawn to give her hope. Lone figer no more alone, another to stand beside. Hand and hand, hearts so dear. Love to keep them forever near. |
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Who I am?
From the mists of the moors and the winds of the east
From the peat of the bogs and the cliff of Morhar
From the foam of the sea and the fog of the glen
I am she who time forgot
I am she who the wind speaks to
I am the myrrh of sorrow
I am the mint of joy
I am she who see beyond
I am she who sees with in
I am a creature of pain
I am creature of joy
I am a being of death
I am a being of life
I am she who time forgot
I am "Morria"...
~ Traveller Gal, out!
From the peat of the bogs and the cliff of Morhar
From the foam of the sea and the fog of the glen
I am she who time forgot
I am she who the wind speaks to
I am the myrrh of sorrow
I am the mint of joy
I am she who see beyond
I am she who sees with in
I am a creature of pain
I am creature of joy
I am a being of death
I am a being of life
I am she who time forgot
I am "Morria"...
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Saturday, January 1, 2005
New Year Beginning...
My year is starting strange...I don't really have a clue where God is
guiding me. I think this is Him teaching me to wait on Him....and to
listen to others so that I might help them. I don't know...but this year
should be good.... I think?
I just want to draw deep into the things of God....and get to know him better. I long to know Him more and grow in prayer and all. All the project and stuff I could do...mean little compared with knowing Him more...and sharing that with others.
~ Traveller Gal, out!
I just want to draw deep into the things of God....and get to know him better. I long to know Him more and grow in prayer and all. All the project and stuff I could do...mean little compared with knowing Him more...and sharing that with others.
~ Traveller Gal, out!
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