He spoke of a homestead in the area of Dine Bikeyah, with sheeps, goats, a few cows, rabbits, chickens, gardens, and such. A home with room for me to do some kinda hospitality/couch surfing ministry. Barn with room enough for him to do a trade, maybe even horse shoeing. And my heart awakens with dreams and with hope.... maybe there is more to fight for then even I knew...
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Dreams and Hopes
He spoke of a homestead in the area of Dine Bikeyah, with sheeps, goats, a few cows, rabbits, chickens, gardens, and such. A home with room for me to do some kinda hospitality/couch surfing ministry. Barn with room enough for him to do a trade, maybe even horse shoeing. And my heart awakens with dreams and with hope.... maybe there is more to fight for then even I knew...
couch surfing,
Dine Bikeyah,
Friday, August 24, 2012
Fellow Traveller Girl
Today, there was a fellow traveller girl, standing on the curb at the edge of Walmart. As is my custom, I went into the store and bought a bottle of icy cold water for her. Sadly, today I was out of food bars in my purse, having just finished a trip moving east, and not having had a chance to replenish as of yet. Then I ran back out to her, in my good clothing from my job interview. My turquoise necklace pounded on my chest as did my sliver Celtic cross, but I had to get back to her, as the day is so hot and humid in this Kentucky late summer weather. I handed her the bottle of cold water, and she smiled, "A cup of cold water in My name. God bless you!"
How often do we over look blessings because we fear strangers? It makes me think of the old Celtic Christian blessing/proverb. "May there always be food in the eating place, may there always be drink in the drinking place. May there always be music in the listening place. May there always be a bed in the sleeping place. For, oft, oft, oft, goes Christ about in stranger's garb." Please my friends consider how you to might aid other travellers. Blessings!
~ Traveller Gal, out!
How often do we over look blessings because we fear strangers? It makes me think of the old Celtic Christian blessing/proverb. "May there always be food in the eating place, may there always be drink in the drinking place. May there always be music in the listening place. May there always be a bed in the sleeping place. For, oft, oft, oft, goes Christ about in stranger's garb." Please my friends consider how you to might aid other travellers. Blessings!
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Journey Eastward Begins...
7:30 AM ~ So the journey begins.... as the shadow of the Turquoise Mountain passes from view and the wheels take us farther and farther from our beloved Dine Bikeyah. My heart cries with a deep morning, I knew I would be homesick for home while I am gone. Goodness, I was homesick for Dine Bikeyah for 10 years prior to moving out here, e'er since my parents and I passed threw when I was 16. How could I not be now?
10 AM ~ We have journeyed on passed Albuquerque. Not sure how I feel about that, as we do travel to Albuquerque 2-3 times a year. Now I am beyond the "safe zone" into "uncharted territories". 'Tis good to be out on the open road again, and my Traveller Gal side is at easy. Yet my heart longs for a resting place, a refuge from the storms, a haven while on my earthly journey-task. It dreams of a place to call "home sweet home".
NOON ~ Just passed Santa Rosa, and it no longer looks like the Dine Bikeyah/Albuquerque country... This trip has been good for me on many levels. I have done muck "life laundry" as my dear friend, Mo, puts it. As well, donating things to the thrift store in Thoreau means it continues doing good while we are gone. Even better ALL 3 DOGS found new homes!!! That is a deep relief to my soul.
2:25 PM ~ Back on the road after filling up and eatting lunch at Sonic in Tucumcari. I am sooo glad I got a short hair cut prior to this journey, or I would be dying in this nearly 100 F heat. I grabbed a Lipton Green Tea, the Mango/Passion Fruit one, and was quickly refreshed. I normally take a green tea tablet everyday to keep my past health issues from flaring up, and supplement with bottled tea as needed. Today, with heat will be a two bottle day, for sure!
Time Change: Central
4:00 PM ~ We are officially out of New Mexico. Now the bitter reality has hit my heart....
5:55 PM ~ Groom, TX home of the "World's Tallest Cross". Got a good pic plus that of a rainbow crossing the highway, neither I was unable to do in 1999 on the "Southwest Vacation". That trip, along with "Mission: Mexico" in 1998, and "East Coast Vacation" in 1995 is what birthed Traveller Gal in me... I think. ^_^
7:30 PM ~ At last, safely at the Shamrock Inn in the town of Shamrock, TX. Storms are all around us with the possiblity of circling back, thus the pool is closed till at least tomorrow. Tis fun to be in a wee RT 66 Irish town for the night. Twas nice to eat Taco Bell for a change as I have not had it in ages.
9:30 PM ~ Good Night, and may God guard your dreams!
~ Traveller Gal, out!
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Friday, August 10, 2012
About God...

God, the great Elohim, Yahweh, Yehovah, Emmanuel - the God who is with us. God is never easy for me to really describe. Even the writers of the Bible, in both reverence and lack of ability, could only write as much as He showed them to...as in truth He is indescribable.

To me, it is hard just to talk of God, for He is Triune... 3 in 1... the great Trinity. As Patrick of Ireland's Breastplate starts, "I arise today to a mighty strength, to the invocation of the Trinity. Through the belief in the Oneness, through the confession of the Threeness, of the Creator of the Universe."
So to conclude, God is bigger than anyone can image, greater than the sum of the universe, more righteous than then best judge, and more loving than the kindest father. "Might He bless you and your life's journeys! Amen!"
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Four More Days of Packing Left....

So packing is a must. Clothing is nearly packed, Robby's office, library and my study are packed. The living room and den nearly are as is the bedroom. Now Robby still has to sort the kitchen... but I think we are doing really well. I hate leaving Casa Rosa behind, it had so much potential. But this means, Desert Kildare, our permanent home in Dine Bikeyah is the goal. Last time we moved, I said, "Daddy, give me a place to settle if even just for a year." This time I am praying, "Daddy, help us find jobs so we can buy our settling place, so that we don't have to move again. Let us return here to Dine Bikeyah, and remain in place till you call each of us home with you." True, traveling will ALWAYS be part of my life, that will never change, but tis nearly time to have a "forever" home (aka as forever as earthly homes are).
Dine Bikeyah is not just a place we minister, it is our earthly home. We hate leaving people behind, even if it for a short time... But this is not forever good bye. Anyone who has known Robby long, knows he would not have left if it was. As he said, "I will not leave to stay gone, unless I am in a body bag." And he is not joking, though it is very funny. LOL. He has been such a help to me in these hard days as we pack and prep for this last great adventure, prior to "settling down". ~_^
So Corbin and London, Kentucky look out, this "Traveller Gal" and her "Jesus Freak" husband are about to take you by storm. Trust you have jobs waiting for us, so we can get back to Dine Bikeyah faster. Immanuel Baptist Church, it will be good to see all of you there again while we are back in Kentucky. Best get back to packing... much left to do...
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Monday, August 6, 2012
Thoreau Flood
Yesterday, monsoon season continued as expected, but what came after has not happened this bad in over 10 years... The Great Thoreau Flood. Our backyard and drive way turned into a literal river. I had to rescue our dog Nikida back onto the porch. The rain had stopped and she had gone out to relieve herself, but in the 2 minuets she was out... the flood hit. Robby had just walked from the front window to the back, and back to the porch...and it hit between leaving the back window and the front porch.
We had to wait till our driveway stopped being a river to get over to the church. The church got hit too. Our back field, which last week we used for a cowboy church service, was "Thoreau Lake" yesterday. We were blessed with sandbags from the Fire Department, and bagged every door of the church to keep it from leaking through the doors, more than it had at least. We had pizza and fellowship after cleaning up the church.
Even more unbelievable was the flooding out of the train tracks. These tracks have been used since the 1890's by first the Mitchel's lines and now the Amtrak and Santa Fe Railroad. Trains were waiting till about 9 till 10 pm for the water to go down and the tracks to be cleared off enough for the trains to pass. At 6 pm when I took the pictures, the tracks were still flooded out... It was totally and unbelievable sight!
~ Traveller Gal, out!
We had to wait till our driveway stopped being a river to get over to the church. The church got hit too. Our back field, which last week we used for a cowboy church service, was "Thoreau Lake" yesterday. We were blessed with sandbags from the Fire Department, and bagged every door of the church to keep it from leaking through the doors, more than it had at least. We had pizza and fellowship after cleaning up the church.
Even more unbelievable was the flooding out of the train tracks. These tracks have been used since the 1890's by first the Mitchel's lines and now the Amtrak and Santa Fe Railroad. Trains were waiting till about 9 till 10 pm for the water to go down and the tracks to be cleared off enough for the trains to pass. At 6 pm when I took the pictures, the tracks were still flooded out... It was totally and unbelievable sight!
~ Traveller Gal, out!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Here I sit in a home soon not to be mine, torn between my life here in Dine Bikeyah and the new life I will lead in Kentucky until our return... Yes, the open road is calling me. Yes, I am very restless. BUT I have so many friends here. I have a good life here, except for no work... *la sigh* Tis that not work part thats killing me... 11 days and then farewell, for how long I know not... Next time I will ask for more than a year settled down...
Tis not like we don't have friends in Kentucky; we do, and family, too! It is just we have not lived there in 3 years. We both have changed, grown, and become different. We know where "home" is, where we are called. Until the day get to settle (though the road will always be part of my life), the day we establish "home base" here in Dine Bikeyah... I will be among the wanderers. As Tolkin said, "Not all who wanderer are lost."
~ Traveller Gal, out!
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