Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Refection Time...

Why is it that I love the thoughts behind Thanksgiving and Christmas... but I hate the mad rush...the over shoping....and the business that these Holidays have come to hold?   LOL. 

To me Christmastide is a time to reflect on our Lord.... and it should be calm and peaceful...maybe a bit of wild Celtic music too...but not the craziness these holidays have become.   SIGH!

~ Traveller Gal, out!

Tuesday, November 9, 2004

Maiden Beneth the Tree

Who is this maiden I see, sitting here beneth this tree?
Her heart is full of dreams, her face is set like a flent to her path...
Lady with your heart so full of dreams what is it you lack?

"Good friend, tis true my dreams and path are clear...
'Tis true I am a woman of vision and of purpose,
Yet this one thing do I lack...
 He who was made for me...and I for he."

Ahh, sweet maid, be at peace I say, for when
that day shall come...then all shall know thy joy.

I wrote this some time ago...but felt like sharing it just today.  Enjoy.

~ Traveller Gal, out!